

Rules 2024 

  1. General

1.1. The organizers of the competition are the Kazakhstan Federation of Radio Sports and Radioamateur and the Committee of Sports and Physical Culture of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.2. The competition is held in accordance with the documents: “Rules for the conduct of radio sports competitions”, “Rules for the registration and operation of radio electronic means of amateur services”, “Sports classification of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Schedule of republican and international sports events in radio sports for 2024.”

  1. Contest Period, Bands and Modes

2.1. Contest period: 18 May 06:00 UTC – 18 May 20:59 UTC 2024 

2.2. Bands: 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m. 

2.3. Modes: CW and SSB 

  1. Categories 

– SO-AB-MIX – Single Op, All Bands, MIXED

– SO-AB-CW – Single Op, All Bands, CW

– SO-AB-SSB – Single Op, All Bands, SSB

– MO-AB-MIX – Multi Op, One Radio, MIX


3.3. Number of band changes is not limited for all categories.

3.4. Participants may change the bands and modes without any restrictions. Only one signal can be transmitted at any time.

3.5. Single Operator participants may declare in only one category of the contest, but it can be done QSOs on other bands or other modes for a check log.

3.6. MOST category is MIXED and HP only.

  1. Exchange

4.1. Kazakhstan stations should send signal report + district code of KDA (one letter and two digits, for example L17)

4.2. Non-Kazakhstan stations should send signal report + QSO number, starting with 001  

  1. QSO Points

5.1. Kazakhstan stations:

– QSO with own country – 2 points,

– QSO with a different country on own continent – 3 points,

– QSO with another continent – 5 points.

5.2. Non-Kazakhstan stations:

– QSO with Kazakhstan station – 10 points (any continent),

– QSO with own country – 2 points,

– QSO with a different country on own continent – 3 points,

– QSO with another continent – 5 points.

5.3. Dupes are contacts made with the same station on the same band and mode. If the first contact between stations is valid, dupes will have 0 points value. If the first contact is not valid, second (dupe) contact is accepted. Dupe contacts are not lead to penalty; one does not have to mark them in the log submission. Moreover, entrants are strictly recommended to leave DUPES in the log file. DO NOT DELETE DUPES!

5.4. SWL stations must copy new one or both exchange numbers, points are scored on common rules.

  1. Multipliers

6.1. Two types of multiplier are using:

– One multiplier (1) for each different KDA district contacted on each band.

– One multiplier (1) for each different DXCC country contacted on each band.

  1. Final Score

7.1. The final score is the result of total QSO points multiplied by sum of KDA districts and DXCC countries.

  1. Logs

8.1. We prefer electronics logs in the CABRILLO format created by all major logging programs.

8.2. All times must be in GMT, all sent and received exchanges need to be logged.

8.3. The ASCII plain text file format is also acceptable.

8.4. Log submission should be done via web upload form on UA9QCQ web site (preferable).

8.5. Log submissions in MS Word, Excel or UUE-coded files may cause a disqualification of the entrant in case of wrong file conversion to plain text format.

8.6. Each QSO must contain callsign, time, band, exchange number (both sent and received, even for check logs).

8.7. Points and final score calculations are not necessary; calculations will be done by our software.

8.8. Logs must be submitted to the contest manager within 15 days.

  1. Awards

9.1. Kazakhstan participants who took the first three places in each category are awarded with medals and diplomas of the Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Sports and Physical Education. If there are less than 3 participants in the categories, awarding is made only by diplomas.
9.2. Invited participants who take first place are awarded plaques, provided that the number of participants in this subgroup is at least ten. With fewer participants in the categories, the winner is awarded a diploma. Participants who take 2-3 places in each category, as well as observers who take 1,2 and 3 places are awarded with diplomas.
9.3. Special prizes are awarded to participants working from KDA districts that have not previously been represented in UN DX CONTEST. If several participants will compete from the same district, the prize will be awarded to the participant with the best result.

9.4. The Cup and diploma of the Committee for Sports and Physical Education is awarded to the team of the region, which won first place in the team competition. Team result is defined as the sum of the total results of all participants declared from this area.

9.5. A certificate of participation (in electronic form) will be granted to each participant who has conducted a total of at least 150 QSO.

9.6. Additional rewards, including for young participants, may be established by sponsors.

10. The procedure for filing protests and their consideration

10.1. Protests of competitors who disagree with the decision of the judging should be submitted within 24 hours after the official announcement of its results to the Chief Justice of the competition only in a written form.

10.2. In protest, the competition regulation clause that has been violated must be indicated. Protests that do not specify a clause of the competition rules that have been violated, as well as protests submitted later than the deadline, will not be considered.


Rules on Russian language available here.